Maths Trail

22nd March 2024

The children from 1st -6th class completed a Maths trial following our Active Walkway route. The children worked in pairs to complete the trail, created by one of the children in 3rd class. Everyone enjoyed the trail.


Maths Week 2023

The children in the junior room enjoyed learning all about 2D shapes. They made pictures with their shapes and lollipop sticks. They created shape monsters and drew their monsters. They also went on a 2D shape hunt outside, around the school grounds. Some of the shapes they found were circles, squares, rectangles, triangles and pentagons. They finished off the week with making 2D shapes during PE.

Maths 2022/2023

Maths Week 2022.

We made 2D shape pictures in class. We worked in pairs and searched for 2-D shapes around the school. We even did maths during our P.E. lesson.

We played with the maths games.  We made patterns with the camels, numbers from our connecting cubes and matched numbers with counting objects.

We used an app on the ipads to create shapes and practice our doubles. Our favourite activity was using the Kodable app on the Ipads!

Maths Trail

February 2023

Senior Room Maths Trail

The Maths Trail was created by one of the pupils in 5th Class and they organised the trail with the help of Ms Reynolds.

3D Shapes

Pupils in 3rd and 4th Class created models of the 3D shapes that we were learning about in class using matchsticks and marshmallows.

Maths Week in the Senior Room

This year the pupils took part in Ireland Rocks on Times Tables Rockstars to improve our knowledge of our multiplication tables in a fun way.

Green Schools Survey

As part of the Greens Schools work on the theme Global Citizenship Litter and Waste the committee carried out a questionnaire in both classrooms asking the pupils a variety of questions based on the theme. The committee then were able to create a tally of the information collected, create a graph on the computer and finally present the information to the classes.

Maths 2021/2022

Maths Week Activities

2D Shape Hunt

Cuthbert Sees Double with Sally Hunt – Maths Week 2021

The children enjoyed the story of Cuthbert the Croc, who is excited about playing “double it” with his brother Claude and their friends.


Senior Room Maths Trails

Using maths skills in the Design and Make a Rocket Activity by measuring the distance from the starting point to where the rocket landed and calculating the average distance for each rocket.


The pupils in 6th Class carried out a survey to find out the pupils’ knowledge about Biodiversity. They then created a bar graph both on graph paper and using ICT. They also drew a habitat map of the school grounds.



Maths 2020/2021

Maths Week 2020 Activities

Junior Room 2D Shape Hunt

Senior Room Maths Trail

Using Manga High for Maths Week

Maths Games/activities in the Junior Room

Maths Week Art Designs